Child Nutrition

Child Nutrition in Nassau, New Providence

A nutritious diet promotes growth and development in children. A healthy diet also boosts brain expansion, protects against childhood obesity, and fights health conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and high cholesterol. When a child doesn't receive the proper nutrients, their immune system and essential functions, skills that help them self-regulate behaviors and emotions, can become compromised. At The Paediatric Centre, Dr. Gwen McDeigan can walk you through recommended dietary guidelines and play a vital role in improving and maintaining your child's health. She can also explain tips for child nutrition in Nassau, BS, healthy eating, discuss the risk of weight-related diseases, and address questions or concerns regarding your child's eating behaviors.

Child Nutrition: Explained

Giving children what they need vs. what they want are two entirely different tunes. During infancy, it's all about the milk. Whether it's a formula, breast milk, or a combination, these nutrients are essential for babies' first year. At six months, it's natural to start incorporating solid foods such as infant cereal or pureed meats, fruits, and vegetables. During preschool, Dr. McDeigan may begin to talk with you about incorporating more fiber into your child's nutrition plan since this tends to be the age where all they request is chicken nuggets, French fries, or fast food. Adding fiber to your child's diet can prevent heart disease and constipation. When your child enters grade school or high school, it's necessary to give them healthy choices and encourage them to avoid sugars, fats, and sodium, as too much can lead to weight gain. At The Paediatric Centre, our staff understands that child nutrition in Nassau, BS can be overwhelming, and we're here to assist you with the task.

Getting your child to eat healthy at any age can be a constant challenge, but it's worth the battle. A healthy child grows into a healthy adult, and your child will be both with the support and advice from their parent and paediatrician. For more information about child nutrition in Nassau, BS, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gwen McDeigan at The Paediatric Centre, call (242)-322-5025!.

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